IISH - International Institute of Social History
Mafouta-Kitoko Georges, Samba Christophe. 60 AFR 22/03/89 Further
information on UA 197/87 (AFR. 22/02/87, 22 July) - Congo: Fear of torture /.
Part of the document
Archives of the International Secretariat of Amnesty International
inventory no. 515-525 IISH
1 AFR 01/01/89 Human rights reference material for the use
of AI groups working on cases in African
2 AFR 01/02/89 Africa: Academics imprisoned in African
countries who are prisoners of conscience
3 AFR 12/01/89 Update to MAGRAN 01/88 and 02/88 - Angola:
Inquiries concerning appeals against death
4 AFR 12/02/89 Appeals on behalf of a British-based Namibian
lawyer, reportedly detained by SWAPO in
5 AFR 12/03/89 MAGRAN 01/89 - People's Republic of Angola:
Inquiries about the trial of members of the
Tocoist religious sect
6 AFR 12/04/89 MAGRAN 02/89 - Commutation of death sentences
in Angola
7 AFR 12/05/89 MAGRAN 03/89 - Inquiries about Elizabeth
Maria dos Reis Fancony, a prisoner in Angola
8 AFR 12/06/89 MAGRAN 04/89 - Inquiries about Jose Manuel
dos Santos Simeao Miranda, a prisoner in
9 AFR 12/07/89 Update to MAGRAN 02/89 - Commutation of death
sentences in Angola
10 AFR 12/08/89 UA 267/89 - Angola: Death penalty: Captain
Humberto Campos Abrantes and Captain
Francisco Jose Jorge Setas Ferreira
11 AFR 12/09/89 Further information on UA 267/89 (AFR
12/08/89, 25 July) - Angola: Death penalty:
Captain Humberto Campos Abrantes, Captain
Francisco Jose Jorge Setas Ferreira
12 AFR 12/10/89 MAGRAN 06/89 - Angola: Inquiries about
political prisoners reported to have been
released in an amnesty
13 AFR 14/01/89 UA 33/89 - Benin: Tiamiou Adjibade, Jean-
Pierre Agondanou, Moucharaf Gbadamasi and
many others
14 AFR 14/02/89 Further information on UA 350/88 (AFR
14/12/88, 21 December) - Benin: Torture /
Incommunicado detention: Leon Yelome, Moussa
Mama Yari
15 AFR 14/03/89 Benin: Latest developments and further
recommended actions
16 AFR 14/04/89 Further information on UA 33/89 (AFR
14/01/89, 31 January) - Benin: Legal concern
/ Fear of torture: Tiamiou Adjibade, Jean-
Pierre Agondanou, Moucharaf Gbadamasi
17 AFR 14/05/89 UA 113/89 - Benin: Torture / Legal concern:
Roger Adote, Bruno Pierre Alofa, Benjamin
Badou, Theophile Bessan, Basile Degnonvi,
Simon Fanou, Arsene Gbaguidi, Michel
Houanvoegbe and others held at the Camp PLM,
18 AFR 14/06/89 Benin: Recent arrests under torture and
'shoot demonstators on sight' orders
19 AFR 14/07/89 Benin: Government authorities
20 AFR 14/08/89 Benin: Update for groups
21 AFR 14/09/89 Update to WARAN 04/89 - Benin: Recent
arrests, deaths under torture and "shoot
demonstrators on sight" orders
22 AFR 14/10/89 UA 204/89 - Benin: Legal concern / Fear of
torture: Jonas Gninmagnon
23 AFR 14/11/89 Benin: Background to case: Prison conditions
at Camp Sero Kpera, Parakou
24 AFR 14/12/89 Benin: Background to case: Information about
the Commission national permanente d'enquete
de Securite d'Etat (Permanent National
Commission of Enquiry into State Security)
25 AFR 14/13/89 General recommended actions for all groups
working on Benin casesheets
26 AFR 14/14/89 UA 500/89 - Benin: Legal concern: Paul
Faradito, Mampo Gilbert Kassa, Emile Ahossi
27 AFR 14/15/89 Further information on UA 500/89 (AFR
14/14/89, 19 December) - Benin: Legal
concern: Paul Faradito, Mampo Gilbert Kassa,
Emile Ahossi
28 AFR 16/01/89 UA 25/89 - Burundi: Legal concern: Bucumi
Hilaire, Bamarire Sikeli, Ntawo Boniface,
Ntakimazi Domitien, Hatungimana Libaire
29 AFR 16/02/89 Further information on UA 247/88 (AFR
16/03/88, 16 September) - Burundi: Legal
concern: Bantigira Leon, Habonimana Aloys,
Hakizimana Deo, Ndayakire Terence, Ndikumana
Leonce, Nsanse Augustin, Sunzu Salvator
30 AFR 16/03/89 Further information on UA 273/88 (AFR
16/05/88, 20 October) - Burundi: Legal
concern: Bancako Charles, Ndikumana Gervais,
Sirahenda Paul
31 AFR 16/04/89 Further information on UA 292/88 (AFR
16/08/88, 8 November) - Burundi: Legal
concern: Ndadaye Melchior, Sendegeya Pierre
32 AFR 16/05/89 Further information on UA 25/89 (AFR
16/01/89, 24 January) - Burundi: Legal
concern: Bucumi Hilaire, Bamarire Sikeli,
Ntawo Bonface, Ntakimazi Domitien,
Hatungimana Libaire
33 AFR 16/06/89 CAFRAN 07/89 - Burundi: Detention without
trial of people arrested in connection with
August 1988 disturbances in Ntega and
34 AFR 16/07/89 CAFRAN 08/89 - Burundi: detention without
trial of Jehovah's Witnesses
-- AFR 17/01/89 Not issued
35 AFR 17/02/89 Further information on UA 171/88 (AFR
17/03/88, 6 July) - Cameroon: Legal concern:
Albert Mukong
36 AFR 17/03/89 Cameroon: Harsh prison conditions for
criminal and political prisoners
37 AFR 17/04/89 Cameroon: Government authorities
38 AFR 17/05/89 Further information on UA 171/88 (AFR
17/03/88, 6 July) - Cameroon: Legal concern:
Albert Mukong
39 AFR 17/06/89 CAFRAN 05/89 - Cameroon: Harsh prison
conditions for criminal and political
40 AFR 17/07/89 Cameroon: Death sentence for aggravated theft
41 AFR 19/01/89 CAFRAN 02/89 - Central African Republic:
Arrests of students
42 AFR 19/02/89 Central African Republic: Government
43 AFR 19/03/89 Update to CAFRAN 02/89 - Central African
Republic: Arrests of students
44 AFR 20/01/89 CAFRAN 01/89 - Chad: Political arrests in
June and July 1988
45 AFR 20/02/89 UA 05/89 - Chad: Legal / Health concern:
Moukhtar Bachar Moukhtar
46 AFR 20/03/89 Update to CAFRAN 02/88 - Chad:
"Disappearances", extrajudicial executions
and secret detention
47 AFR 20/04/89 Further information on UA 05/89 (AFR
20/02/89, 9 January) - Chad: Legal / Health
concern: Moukhtar Bachar Moukhtar
48 AFR 20/05/89 UA 79/89 - Chad: Fear of possible
extrajudicial execution / Legal concern:
Arrest of six members of the Hadjerai ethnic
group, including Gamane Moussa, Djibrine
Daoud, Kaffine Abouzarga
49 AFR 20/06/89 Chad: Government authorities
50 AFR 20/07/89 Update to CAFRAN 01/89 - Republic of Chad:
Political arrests in June and July 1988
51 AFR 20/08/89 UA 195/89 - Chad: Fear of possible
extrajudicial execution / Legal concern:
Arrest of members of the Zaghawa ethnic group
including: Dr Zakaria Fadoul, Saleh Fadoul,
Ali Fadoul, Mahamat Fadoul, Yacoub Fadoul,
Mahamat Den Fadoul
52 AFR 20/09/89 UA 300/89 - Chad: Fear of torture /
Extrajudicial execution / Legal concern: