Bibliography Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis

In: van Dijk, T.A. (ed). Handbook of discourse analysis, Vol. III, pp. 161-181. .... ?A
"clash of ideas" or an exercise in scholastic 'misunderstanding'?: A .... In:
Medhurst, M.J., Gonzalez, A & Peterson, T.R (eds) Communication and the ......
American Sociological Review, 40 (6), 691-700. ...... Durham, NC: Duke
University Press.

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Bibliography of Articles / Monographs of Interest In Ethnomethodology and
Conversation Analysis
Compiled by Matthew R. Treadwell (University of Sheffield)
Incorporating information collected by B.J.Fehr, Yoshifumi Mizukawa,
Jeff.Stetson and Paul Ten Have. Abercrombie, N. (1974). "Sociological indexicality". Journal for the Theory
of Social Behaviour, 4 (1), 89-95.
Ackroyd, S., Harper, R., Hughes, J., Shapiro, D. & Soothill, K. (1992).
New Technology and Practical Police Work: the social context of
technical innovation. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Adato, A. (1979). "Unanticipated topic continuations". Human Studies, 2(2),
April, 171-186.
Adato, A. (1980). ""Occasionality" As A Constitutent Feature of the Known-
in-Common Character of Topics". Human Studies, 3 (1), January, 47-64.
Agre, P.E. (1990). "Plans and Situated Actions - the Problem of Human-
Machine Communication - Suchman,La". Artificial Intelligence, 43 (3)
Agre, P. (1999). "Hazards of Design: Ethnomethodology and the Ritual Order
of Computing". [Online]. Available from [Accessed 28 July
Albert, E. (1982). "Ethnomethodology: The audience that knows the speech
discovers it". In: McCormack, T. (ed) Culture, code and content
analysis, Vol. 2: Studies in Communications. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Alvarez-Cáccamo, C. & Knoblauch H. (1992). ""I was calling you":
Communicative patterns in leaving a message on an answering machine".
Text 12: 473-505.
Anderson, D.C. (1978). "Some organizational features in the local
production of a plausible text". Philosophy of the social sciences, 8:
Anderson, D.C. (1978). "Social work reports and the grammar of
organizational reaction". Analytic Sociology, 1 (3).
Anderson, D.C. (1979). "Stories and arguments: Narrative assembly and
contrastive characterization as contributive features to the local
organization of a sociology text". Pragmatics Microfiche.
Anderson, D.C. & Sharrock, W.W. (1979). "Biasing the news: Technical issues
in 'media studies". Sociology, 13 (3), 367-385. [Reprinted in Wilhoit
(ed) (1981). Sage Yearbook of Communication Studies.] [Part 1 of 4
part debate. See: Murdock, G. (1980); McKeganey, N. and Smith, B.
(1980); and Sharrock W.W. and Anderson, D.C. (1982).].
Anderson, D.C. & Sharrock, W.W. (1981). "Irony as a methodological
convenience, A sketch of four variations". Analytic Sociology, 2 (4).
[Version in: Wright, E.L. (Ed.) (1984). Irony. London, UK:
Anderson, R.J. (1977). "Research activities and professional practices".
Analytic Sociology, 1(1).
Anderson, R.J. (1978a). "Social interaction". In: Meighan, R. et al. (eds)
Perspectives on society. Nelson.
Anderson, R.J. (1978b). "Listening to conversation". In: Meighan. R. et
al. (eds) Perspectives on society. Nelson.
Anderson, R.J. (1978c). Rescuing Schutz from the role theorists. University
of Manchester: Department of Sociology (Occasional Papers in
Sociology, No. 1).
Anderson, R.J. (1981). A Sociological Analysis Of Some Proceedures For
Discerning Memebership, Ph.D, University of Manchester.
Anderson, R.J. (1984). "The empirical study of power". In: Anderson, R.J. &
Sharrock W.W. (eds) Applied sociological perspectives, pp. 167-189.
London, UK: Allen and Unwin.
Anderson, R.J. (1987). "The reality problem in games and simulations". In:
Crookall, D., Greenblat, C., Klabbers, J. & Coote, A. (eds) Simulation-
gaming in the late 1980's. Oxford, UK: Pergamon.
Anderson, R.J. (1994)."Representations and requirements: the value of
ethnography in systems design". Human-Computer Interaction, 9 (2), 151-
Anderson, R.J., Heath, C.C., Luff, P.K. & Moran, T. (1993). "The Social and
the Cognitive in Human-Computer Interaction". International Journal of
Man Machine Studies, 38: 999-1016.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A. & Sharrock, W.W. (1984a). "Wittgenstein and
comparative sociology". Inquiry, 27 (1/2), 268-276.
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (1984b). "Analytic work: aspects of the
organization of conversational data". Journal for the Theory of Social
Behaviour, 14: 103-24.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A., & Sharrock, W.W. (1985a). "The sociology
game: An introduction to sociological reasoning". London, UK: Longman.
[Review: Brown, R.K. (1986) Sociology, 20 (1), 95-96.]
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A. & Sharrock, W.W. (1985b). "The relationship
between ethnomethodology and phenomenology". Journal of the British
Society for Phenomenology, 16 (1), 221-235.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A. & Sharrock, W.W. (1986). Philosophy and the
human sciences. Totowa, NJ: Barnes and Noble Books.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A. & Sharrock, W.W. (1987a). "Executive problem
finding: Some material and initial observations". Social Psychology
Quarterly, 50 (2), 143-159.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A. & Sharrock, W.W. (1987b). Classic disputes in
sociology. London, UK: Allen and Unwin.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A. & Sharrock, W.W. (1987c). Some initial
problems with the strong programme in the sociology of knowledge.
(Manchester Polytechnic Occasional Papers, No. 1.).
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A. & Sharrock, W.W. (1989) Working for profit:
the social organization of calculation in an entrepreneurial firm.
Aldershot: Avebury.
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (1981). "Aspects of the distribution of
work tasks in medical encounters". Analytic Sociology, 2 (4).
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (1982). "Sociological work: Some procedures
sociologists use for organizing phenomena". Social Analysis, 11: 79-
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (1984a). "Analytic work: Aspects of the
organization of conversational data". Journal for the Theory of Social
Behaviour, 14 (1), 103-124.
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (1984b). "Under the influence". Philosophy,
59, 385-388.
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (eds) (1984c). Applied sociological
perspectives. London, UK: Allen and Unwin.
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (1986). "Methodological tokenism, or Are
good intentions enough?" Semiotica, 58 (1/2), 1-27.
Anderson, R.J. & Sharrock, W.W. (1993) "Can organization afford
knowledge?". Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 1: 143-161.
Anderson, R., Sharrock, W.W. & Watson, R. (1989). "Utterances and
operations in air traffic control". In: Langage et travail, 1989: 221-
Anderson, W.T. (1986). "The apostolic function of the dentist". In:
Fisher, S. & Todd, A. (eds) Discourse and institutional authority:
Medicine, education, and law, pp. 78-90. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Anderson, W.T. (1989) "Dentistry as an activity system: sequential
properties of the dentist-patient encounter". In: Helm, D.T.,
Anderson, W.T., Meehan, A.J. & Rawls, A.W. (eds) The interactional
order: New directions in the study of social order, pp. 81-97. New
York: Irvington.
Antaki, C. (1999). "Assessing quality of life of persons with a learning
disability: How setting lower standards may inflate well-being
scores". Qualitative Health Research 9: 437-454.
Antaki, C. & Horowitz, A. (2000). "Using Identity Ascription to Disqualify
A Rival Version of Events as "Interested"". Research on Language and
Social Interaction, 33: 155-177.
Antaki, C., Houtkoop-Steenstra, H. & Rapley, M. (2000). ""Brilliant. Next
question...": High-grade assessment sequences in the completion of
interactional units". Research on Language and Social Interaction,
33: 235-262.
Antaki, C. & Wetherell, M. (1999). "Show concessions". Discourse Studies,
1: 1-32.
Antaki, C. & Widdicombe, S. (eds) (1998). Identities in Talk. London: Sage.
Arminen, I. (1996). "On the moral and interactional relevancy of self-
repairs for life stories of members of Alcoholics Anonymous". Text,
16: 449-480.
Arminen, I. (1998). Therapeutic interaction: a study of mutual help in the
meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous. Helsinki: The Finnish Foundation for
Alcohol Studies.
Arminen, I. (1999). "Conversation Analysis: A quest for Order in Social
Interaction and Language Use". Acta Sociologica, 42: 251-257.
Arminen, I. (2000). "On the context sensitivity of institutional
interaction". Discourse & Society, 11: 435-458.
Armstrong, E.G. (1979) "Phenomenologophobia". Human Studies, 2 (1),
Ashmore, M. & Reed, D. (2000, December). "Innocence and Nostalgia in
Conversation Analysis: The Dynamic Relations of Tape and Transcript".
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum:Qualitative Social Research
[On-line Journal], 1 (3). Available from
[Accessed 8 July 2001]
Atkinson, J.M. (1969a). "On the Sociology of Suicide". Sociological Review,
16, 83-92.
Atkinson, J.M. (1969b). "Suicide and the Student". Universities Quarterly,
23, 213-224.
Atkinson, J.M. (1971). "Societal reactions to suicide: The role of
coroners' definitions". In: Cohen, S. (ed) Images of deviance, pp.
165-191. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
Atkinson, J.M. (1973). "Status integration, suicide and pseudo-science".
Sociology, 4, 251-264.
Atkinson, J.M. (1974). "Versions of deviance". Sociological Review, 22: 616-
Atkinson, J.M. (1978). Discovering suicide: studies in the social
organization of sudden death. London: Macmillan.
Atkinson, J.M. (1979a). "Postscript: Notes on practical implications and
possibilities". In: Atkinson, J.M. & Drew, P. Order in Court: The
Organisation of Verbal Interaction in Judicial Settings, pp. 217-232.
London: Macmillan.
Atkinson, J.M. (1979b). "Sequencing an