ECSS-E-HB-32-20 Part 8A - European Cooperation for Space ...

Turbine disk where the blades and hub are formed as a single piece .....
experiments) with a non-pressurised, non-recoverable service module ......
Moteur d'apogée géostationnaire européenne ... substance used in some
polyimide resin formulations, e.g. PMR-15. MDP ...... QUARTZ CRYSTAL

Part of the document

[pic] Space engineering
Structural materials handbook - Part 8: Glossary Foreword This Handbook is one document of the series of ECSS Documents intended to
be used as supporting material for ECSS Standards in space projects and
applications. ECSS is a cooperative effort of the European Space Agency,
national space agencies and European industry associations for the purpose
of developing and maintaining common standards. This handbook has been prepared by the ECSS-E-HB-32-30 Working Group,
reviewed by the ECSS Executive Secretariat and approved by the ECSS
Technical Authority. Disclaimer ECSS does not provide any warranty whatsoever, whether expressed, implied,
or statutory, including, but not limited to, any warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any warranty that
the contents of the item are error-free. In no respect shall ECSS incur any
liability for any damages, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect,
special, or consequential damages arising out of, resulting from, or in any
way connected to the use of this document, whether or not based upon
warranty, business agreement, tort, or otherwise; whether or not injury was
sustained by persons or property or otherwise; and whether or not loss was
sustained from, or arose out of, the results of, the item, or any services
that may be provided by ECSS. Published by: ESA Requirements and Standards Division
ESTEC, P.O. Box 299,
2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands
Copyright: 2011© by the European Space Agency for the members of ECSS
Change log |ECSS-E-HB-32-20 |First issue |
|Part 8A | |
|20 March 2011 | | Table of contents
Change log 3 Introduction 5 1 Glossary 6 2 References 118 Introduction
The Structural materials handbook, ECSS-E-HB-32-20, is published in 8
Parts. A glossary of terms, definitions and abbreviated terms for these handbooks
is contained in Part 8. The parts are as follows:
|Part 1 |Overview and material properties and |Clauses 1 - 9 |
| |applications | |
|Part 2 |Design calculation methods and general |Clauses 10 - 22 |
| |design aspects | |
|Part 3 |Load transfer and design of joints and |Clauses 23 - 32 |
| |design of structures | |
|Part 4 |Integrity control, verification guidelines |Clauses 33 - 45 |
| |and manufacturing | |
|Part 5 |New advanced materials, advanced metallic |Clauses 46 - 63 |
| |materials, general design aspects and load | |
| |transfer and design of joints | |
|Part 6 |Fracture and material modelling, case |Clauses 64 - 81 |
| |studies and design and integrity control and| |
| |inspection | |
|Part 7 |Thermal and environmental integrity, |Clauses 82 - 107 |
| |manufacturing aspects, in-orbit and health | |
| |monitoring, soft materials, hybrid materials| |
| |and nanotechnoligies | |
|Part 8 |Glossary | |
A value which at least 99% of the population of values is expected to
fall with a confidence of 95%, Ref. [9]; also known as 'A' value and 'A'
basis. A-SCAN
A single point signal describing the ultrasonic response of material
immediately beneath the transducer A-stage
An early stage in the polymerisation reaction of certain thermo-setting
resins (especially phenolic) in which the material, after application to
the reinforcement, is still soluble in some liquids and is fusible;
sometimes called resole. [See also: B STAGE, C STAGE] 'A' value
An 'A' value is one above which at least 99% of the population of values
is expected to fall with a confidence of 95%. [See also: ALLOWABLES] ABLATIVE
Sacrificial material which protects a structure from high-velocity, high-
temperature gas streams. It is typically used on leading surfaces for
planetary re-entry to protect against frictional atmospheric heating. The
surface of the ablative is consumed by reaction, abrasion and evaporation
or sublimation and the lost material carries heat away from the
underlying structure AblaDor DO-31-F
Lightweight phenolic ablative ABM
Apogee Boost Motor ABS
1 Alumino-boro-silicate ceramic
2 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer ACC
Advanced Carbon-Carbon (NASA) replaced RCC ACCELERATOR
A material mixed with a catalysed resin to increase the rate of chemical
reaction between the catalyst and resin, used in polymerising resins,
also known as promoter or curing agent ACCELEROMETER
A device for measuring acceleration, often used in vibration analysis ACCEPTANCE
Verification phase with the objective to demonstrate that the flight
items are free of workmanship defects and integration errors and ready
for operational use, Ref. [1] ACESA
Advanced composites with embedded sensors and actuator. An American smart
technology programme. ACG
Advanced Composites Group, UK ACK analysis
Aveston-Cooper-Kelly analysis for modelling the onset of matrix cracking
in composite materials (with particular regard to CMC ceramic matrix
An inspection technique where the sound generated by damage formation and
propagation (under test stressing or in-service) is monitored using
sensitive, high-frequency microphones. Triangulation techniques can be
used to locate the damage events within a three dimensional structure.
Frequently used to measure the integrity of composite laminates ACRV
Assured Crew Return Vehicle (NASA/ESA) for emergency return of astronauts
from orbiting space stations to earth ACS
Attitude Control System ACTEX
Advanced control technology experiment. An American smart technology
A device able to change its characteristics in response to an externally
triggered signal, e.g. stiffness in response to vibration ACUSIL I
An ablative foam composed of silicone resin, quartz microballoons,
phenolic microballoons and quartz fibre ACUSIL II
Lower density ablative foam composed of silicone resin, quartz
microballoons, phenolic microballoons and quartz fibre. Remains RF
transparent during re-entry ADHEREND
Plate adhesively bonded to another plate, Ref. [10]. ADHESION
The state in which two surfaces are held together at an interface by
forces or the interlocking action of an adhesive or both ADHESIVE
A substance capable of holding two surfaces together ADVANCED COMPOSITES
Composite materials with structural properties comparable to or better
than those of aluminium; e.g. boron, graphite and aramid composites AE
See: Acoustic Emission AECMA
Association Européen des Constructeurs Matériel Aérospatiale; European
Association of Aerospace Industries AEFIS
Acoustic emission flight instrumentation system. A structural health
monitoring system, developed by Boeing. Aerotiss® 2.5D
Aerospatiale reinforced carbon-carbon (RCC) material with
multidirectional fibre architecture Af
Austenite finish temperature AFNOR
Association Français de Normalisation; French national standards
organisation AFRSI
Advanced Flexible Reusable Surface Insulation (Shuttle orbiter) AFWAL
Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratory, USA AGC
Attitude Gain Control AGE HARDENING
A thermal treatment used to improve the strength of some metal alloys,
e.g. certain aluminium alloys, [See also: Precipitation Hardening]. AGED STRUCTURE
A structure which can have structural degradation or damage as a result
of being exposed to the combined effects of the environment AGEING
General: The process or the effect on materials of exposure to an
environment (elevated temperature, ultraviolet radiation, moisture or
other hostile environment) for a period of time; also known as 'aging'
1 Material or sample: usually undertaken before testing and applied to
simulate the expected service environmental conditions, e.g. exposure to
heat and humidity
2 Structure: the progressive change in characteristics owing to exposure
to the service conditions, e.g. corrosion, outgassing
3 Processing: a thermal process used to obtain the desired microstructure
and properties of metal alloys, e.g. some aluminium alloys AGGRESSIVE ENVIRONMENT
Any combination of liquid or gaseous media and temperature that alters
static or fatigue crack-growth characteristics from 'normal' behaviour
associated with an ambient temperature and laboratory air environment,
Ref. [5] AGING
[See: Ageing]. AI
Artificial intelligence AIAA
American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics, USA AISI
American Iron and Steel Institute AIT
Assembly, Integration and Test AIV
Assembly, Integration and Verification AKM
Apogee Kick Motor ALFLEX
Automatic Landing Experimental Vehicle Al-Li
Aluminium-lithium alloy ALLOTROPY
Existence of a chemical element in two or more physical forms, e.g.
carbon as graphite or diamond ALLOWABLE LOAD
The load that induces the allowabl