ne rien inscrire dans cette partie - Académie de Poitiers
Tesco has decided to promote less intensive, more traditional farming methods.
This is why we ... N° d'anonymat. EXAMEN : BEP/CAP Hôtellerie-Restauration ...
Part of the document
On this farm, we insist
the pigs live like pigs. This pig lives on a farm in Norfolk. It's allowed to walk free and
encouraged to live naturally.
Tesco has decided to promote less intensive, more traditional farming
methods. This is why we have now our Nature's choice label, a large variety
of different goods like fruit, vegetables, meat and even cheese and wine.
We are strict about every aspect of the animals'lives. For example we
sure that all the animals
receive a well balanced diet, without growth promoting hormones and
antibiotics. A vet regularly visits to check their health but will only
administer medicines in the case of illness.
The piglets are born in a large field and live with their mothers until
they are older. After this, they are put in a new field with other young
pigs - they are very social animals. Finally, they are moved together into
a huge, airy barn with natural light and a passage to the outside.
They eat like pigs too. Fresh water and food are always accessible but we
insist that more food should be put onto the pasture.
After all this hard work the animals are able to enjoy a high quality of
life. And this is evident in the high quality of the meat. In fact, most
people seem to think that our meats taste even better. But that's only
natural isn't it?
From "Homes & Gardens advertisement promotion", Dec. 1992
Some help: . To promote: encourager . Barn: grange
. Well balanced diet: régime alimentaire équilibré . Pasture: pré
. Growth promoting: ... de croissance
I. compréhension
1 - Répondez en anglais aux questions suivantes avec des phrases
complètes :
(BEP : 6 pts - CAP : 6 pts) a. What farming methods has Tesco decided to promote?
b. Why does a vet visit the farm regularly?
c. What difference does it make to the meat?
2 - Traduisez en français la phrase soulignée. (BEP UNIQUEMENT : 2 pts) 3 - Entourez la lettre du résumé correspondant le mieux au texte.
Soulignez dans les autres textes les passages erronés : (BEP : 3 pts -
CAP : 4 pts)
|A | |B | |C |
|Tesco doesn't agree with | |In English farms the pigs| |Tesco promotes a large |
|intensive and modern | |are free. They enjoy | |variety of products. In |
|farming methods. They | |their life and eat | |the farms the animals |
|promote natural products.| |natural products: fruit, | |receive industrial food |
| | |vegetables, meat and | |with growth promoting |
|Farmers must obey strict | |cheese. | |hormones and antibiotics.|
|regulations about the | |The pigs never stop | | |
|pigs'lives: the animals | |eating, that's why the | |The piglets are separated|
|receive good food, their | |vet comes to administer | |from their mother at |
|health is controlled, | |medicines. | |their birth, and they are|
|when they are born they | |The meat produced | |fed with cereals. |
|stay with their mother. | |contains a lot of fat, so| |The quantity of food is |
|The animals can find food| |most of the people prefer| |always controlled. The |
|or drink any time of the | |fish to pork in England. | |animals can't move |
|day. So the meat produced| | | |around. |
|has a superior quality. | | | |The meat produced is |
|The consumers prefer this| | | |cheap but not as |
|meat to an ordinary meat.| | | |delicious as a high |
| | | | |quality meat. | II. compétence linguistique 4 - Choisissez l'adjectif possessif qui convient :
(BEP : 0,5 pt × 4 = 2 pts - CAP : 1 pt × 4 = 4 pts) a. Sportsmen pay attention to .......................... diet. b. In France, we are proud of ......................... cheese. c. A region should keep ....................... traditions.
d. The farmer offers ....................... pigs a well-balanced diet. 5 - Complétez les phrases : (BEP : 0,5 pt × 2 = 1 pt - CAP : 1 pt × 2 = 2
pts) a. People shouldn't eat .......................................
cakes (trop de) b. There are .............................. calories in fresh
fruit (peu de)
III. production écrite (BEP : 80 mots/6 pts - CAP : 40 mots/4 pts)
Suppose you lived on a farm, which animals would you like to breed? (to breed : élever) Which meat do you like best? Write a recipe for it.