other business - unece

CIFMD Comité Interprofessionnel pour le developpement de la Formation dans
le Transports de Marchandises dangereuses ... Examen Huis. P ...... According to
the cases open questions (20 per examination) or QCM (40 per examination).

Part of the document

|UNITED | |E |
|NATIONS | | |
| | | |
|[pic] |Economic and Social |Distr. |
| |Council |GENERAL |
| | | |
| | |TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/2005/12/Add.1|
| | | |
| | |10 December 2004 |
| | | |
ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE INLAND TRANSPORT COMMITTEE Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods Joint Meeting of the RID Safety Committee and the
Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
(Bern, 7-11 March 2005)
OTHER BUSINESS Report on the Forum on dangerous goods safety advisers Addendum 1 Transmitted by the Government of France */
* / Circulated by the Central Office for International Carriage by
Rail (OCTI) under the symbol OCTI/RID/GT-III/2005/12/Add.1.
PARIS JUNE 2004 GLOSSARY: . Examination session: the organisation of an examination at a given date
in one or more examination centres. . Regulations: one of the following agreement or regulations: ADR, RID, ADN
or ADNR . External safety adviser: a person who is not directly employed by the
undertaking which appoint her/him as its safety adviser (see
The external safety adviser may be appointed by several undertakings at
the same time. ABREVIATIONS : Y Yes N No NA No applicable SA Safety Adviser
CA Competent Authority
EB Examination Body
CS Case Study
Q Questionnaire OQ Opened question MCQ Multiple
|A |Austria |
|B |Belgium |
|CH |Swisserland |
|CZ |Czech |
|D |Germany |
|DK |Danemark |
|E |Spain |
|F |France |
|FIN|Finland |
|GB |United |
| |Kingdom |
|IRL|Ireland |
|LIT|Littuania |
|LV |Lettonia |
|N |Norway |
|NL |Netherlands |
|P |Portugal |
|PL |Poland |
|RO |Roumania |
|RU |Russia |
|S |Sweden |
Importance of the mission of DGSA and thus of the level of
examination and the prerequisites to pass it
4 points to be developed :
Age limit ?
Educational level ?
Professional experience ?
Preliminary training ? 1.1 Is there a fixed age limitation? | NO | | |YES | |A |B |
|21 |22 | Not significant condition
1.2 Is there any required degree for the application? | NO | | |YES | |A |B |CH |CZ |D |DK |E |
| |R | |R |R |R | | Level of higher studies. The level of the examination can
also guarantee a certain level of studies (CS and Q) Shall the candidate justify his
degree with diplomas?
| NO | | |YES | |CZ |LIT|P |PL |RO |RU |
|Y |Y |Y |Y |Y |N |
1.3 Is a preliminary professional experience required? | NO | | |YES | |A |
|Dangerous goods |
|employee |
Criterion retained by only one country 1.4 Is a preliminary course, provided by a specialized training provider,
required? | NO | | |YES | |A |B |CH |CZ | |A |B |CH |CZ |D |LIT|LV |P |PL |RO |RU | If yes :
. What conditions have
to be met by the
training provider in
order to be
recognized or given
approval ? |A |With Trainers 24 years minis, qualified Organism of |
| |teaching recognized |
|B |Choice by the CA, Ministerial decree |
|CZ |Training in conformity with the requirements of the CA |
|D |Trainers and Training body recognized, including teaching|
| |material and rooms |
|LIT|Trainers and Training body approved by CA |
|LV |Trainers must hold DGSA certificate / Training body in |
| |conformity with the CA 's requirements |
|P |Approval by CA |
|PL |Training body in conformity with the requirements of CA |
|RO |Serious of trainers, financial capacity and professional|
| |competence of Training Body |
|RU |Training in conformity with the requirements of the CA |
. What is the duration
of the approval? |A |Unlimited |
|B |Unlimited |
|CZ |Unlimited |
|D |5 years |
|LIT|5 years |
|LV |Unlimited |
|P |5 years |
|PL |Unlimited |
|RO |5 years |
|RU |4 years |
. What is the duration of the course?
|A |5/6 days |
|B |12 H general + 12 H |
| |per spécialisation |
|CH |4/5 days |
|CZ |5 days |
|D |4 to 6 days |
|LIT|2 à 4 days |
|LV |8/9 days |
|P |6/7 days |
|PL |5/6 days |
|RO |5/6 days |
|RU |5 days if experienced|
| |or 10 days if |
| |beeginers | Training is mandatory for half of countries:
Approval by CA not limited or 4/5 years
Training last from 2 to 9 days. (Average : 1 week)
Variable duration according to the selected
specialisation 2 ORGANIZING OF THE EXAMINATION Direct organization by CA or delegation to with one (or several) approved
2.1 Does the Competent Authority undertake the organizing of the
examination? | NO | | |YES | |A |B |CH |CZ |D |DK |E |F |
|Y |Y | | |Y | |Y |Y |
If No:
. What is, or what are, the examination body(ies)? |A |Approved organizations as an organization of |
| |formation |
|B |Institute of the Road Transport |
|CH |Four EB approved |
|CZ |Organismes approved by CA |
|DK |Danish Emergency Management Agency (ADR) |
| |Danish Railway Inspectorate (RID) |
|E |Transport General Direction of the Autonomous |
| |Areas |
|F |CIFMD Comité Interprofessionnel pour le |
| |developpement de la Formation dans le |
| |Transports de Marchandises dangereuses |
|GB |Scottish Qualification Authority |
|IRL|Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport|
|N |National Institute of Technology |
|NL |Examen Huis |
|P |Two EB approved as Training Bodies |
|RU |International Dangerous Goods and Containers |
| |Association |
. Do the examination bodies organize preliminary courses?
| NO | | |YES | |A |B |
|B |EB and training body are independent |
| |organizations |
|CH |EB 's procédures approved |
|CZ |Member of the jury are independent |
|DK |EB and training body are independent |
| |organizations |
|E |CA control |
|F |EB and training body are independent |
| |organizations |
|GB |EB and training body are independent |
| |organizations |
|IRL|EB and training body are independent |
| |organizations |
|N |EB and training body are independent |
| |organizations |
|NL |EB and training body are independent |
| |organizations |
|P |EB separated the training and examination |
| |activities |
|RU |EB and training body are independent |
| |organizations |
Independence of exam