S2 Maison individuelle PROF

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Detecting signals of selection in the genomes of Native Americans ...
A hidden Markov model approach for simultaneously ... - bioRxiv , 2016) or analyze the genetic makeup of archeological samples (Irving-Pease ... This way the LDD test can determine whether or not the LD decays ...
Title Short Title Authors Keywords - bioRxiv The results of the test are illustrated in Fig. ... Neither MHC heterozygosity nor genomic heterozygosity are significantly associated with facial masculinity in.
REPORT ITU-R SM.2351-1 - Smart grid utility management systems Finally we show that clinal outlier loci are enriched for genes associated with gene regulatory functions, consistent with a role of regulatory evolution in ...
Coronary collateralization shows sex and racial-ethnic differences in ... ... 2017. 2 / 23 approached to obtain informed consent for sharing of their data. Thus, we are not currently permitted to release their genomic or phenotypic data.
Patrones macro y microevolutivos en calabazas (Cucurbita ... - UNAM , 2017), resistance or susceptibility to certain diseases (Wang et al., 2012), or ... We used Evolinc-I (Nelson et al., 2017) to predict lincRNAs within the.
Genetic differentiation of indigenous (Quercus robur L.) and late ... Association studies aim to detect whether genetic vari- ants found in different individuals are associated with a trait or disease of interest, by comparing the ...
A hidden Markov model approach for simultaneously estimating ... In other words, this HMM enables one to estimate what ancestry frequencies are present at a given site along a chromosome within a. Estimating Local Ancestry ...
The spatial scale of dispersal revealed by admixture tracts | HAL First of all, I would like to thank all members of the jury: Nicolas Bierne, Carina Schlebusch,. Cécile Berthouly-Salazar, Gilles Fischer and Rasmus Nielsen who ...
Sorbonne Université - Theses.fr Résumé : Nous présentons un nouveau formalisme et des nouvelles méthodes pour modéliser le déséquilibre de liaison et tenir compte de la structure en ...
Modélisation du déséquilibre de liaison en génomique ... - Theses.fr Termes manquants :