seconde histoire-géographie les éléments pour l'année 2019/2020

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pressure and retrograde fluid-rock interaction in white mica (Lago di
Significance for carbon cycling models - Semantic Scholar
Mantle evolution and magmatism in an evolving ocean-continent ... that the complex interplay of dehydration and rehydration during ... estimates from the meta-ophiolites of the LCU and the Zermatt-Saas Zone differ by less ...
Geological Evolution of the Monte Rosa - Gutenberg Open Science addition, metamorphosed ophiolite complexes were under-thrusted, accreted ... pression assemblages of the Zermatt-Saas ophiolite: High-pressure metamorphism ...
FLOTTE OCEANOGRAPHIQUE FRANCAISE APPEL D'OFFRES ... scarcity of gabbroic rocks, the lack of a sheeted dike complex and the ... subduction of the Zermatt-Saas Fee ophiolites: implications for the geodynamic.
La surrection du massif cristallin externe de l'Argentera - ano-omiv eliminate negative values followed by correction algorithms to optimize the ... comparable with those of the ophicarbonates from the Zermatt-Saas Unit ...
université de strasbourg Three major tectonic nappe complexes, the Helvetic, the ... responsible for the initial exhumation of the Zermatt-Saas ophiolite.
Thèse Romain BOUSQUET preserved ophiolite thrust sheet complex in the world. ... Des test de tracé ... Angiboust S., Agard P., Jolivet L., Beyssac O., The Zermatt-Saas ophiolite ...
Etude géopédologique - PARTIE GÉN ÉRALE - ophiolitiques seront comparés aux marges Ibérie-Terre Neuve, ... rodingites from the Platta nappe are similar in compositions to those of Zermatt-Saas and.
Raccourcissement alpin du massif des Ecrins : cinématique ... - CORE decompression assemblages of the Zermatt-Saas ophiolite: High-pressure metamorphism ... Discrimination plots can be used to test the different nature of the ...
Ce document est le fruit d'un long travail approuvé par le jury de ... constituée d'un complexe à affinité ophiolitique ... radiolarites (Reinecke, 1991) in the Zermatt- Saas Fee zone record HP over-.
UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO - AIR Unimi un code unique, certaines unités de sol sont des complexes de plusieurs sols ... (Tsaté, Zermatt-Saas Fee-Antrona), ultérieurement replissées avec les.