Rapport national du Cameroun - Intégration des TIC dans l ...

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|Réseau Ouest et Centre Africain de Recherche en Education| |
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|Educational Research Network for West And Central Africa | |
Intégration des TIC dans l'Éducation en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre
(Phase II) : Recherche-action formation des enseignants
Intégrant les TIC dans leurs pratiques pédagogiques
Draft report for ICT Phase II Dr Fonkeng Epah Georges
University of Yaounde I
Kengne Eugenie Marcel
Centre National de l'Education
Dr. Matchinda Brigitte (F),
Direction Enseignement Supérieur Privé (MINESUP)
Dr. Mbangwana Moses Atezah Ecole Normale Supérieure de Yaounde
ROCARE / ERNWACA . Tel: (223) 221 16 12, Fax: (223) 221 21 15 . BP E 1854,
Bamako, MALI
Bénin . Burkina Faso . Cameroun . Côte d'Ivoire . Gambia . Ghana . Guinée
. Mali . Mauritanie . Nigeria . Niger . Sénégal . Sierra Leone . Togo
www.rocare.org Table of Content Membres du Comité Scientifique International 3
Membres d'Equipe Cameroun 3
Contextual framework for Cameroon 4
Conceptual framework : National ICT Activities: 5
ICT in Primary schools in Cameroon 7
ICT in Secondary schools in Cameroon 7
ICT in Universities in Cameroon 8
How are these computers being used 8
ICT use in administration 8
Use of ICT for training of students and teachers 9
Using ICT to improve pedagogy 9
Using ICTs in research 10
Using ICTs to develop curriculum content material 10
Research Methodology 10
General objective 10
Specific objectives 10
Schools selected 10
Workshops held in preparation of the project 11
A: Longla comprehensive college 12
B: Lycée Technique de Bafoussam 17
D : l'école maternelle et primaire bilingue " Les oiselets" de Kamkop, 30
Membres du Comité Scientifique International Mme Touré Kathryn, Coordonnatrice Régionale du ROCARE
Prof. Thierry Karsenti, Université de Montréal
Dr. Abdelkader Galy, CNF/AUF
1 Représentant(e) des chercheurs
1 Représentant(e) des Coordinations nationales
Membres d'Equipe Cameroun Chercheurs
Fonkeng Epah Georges (M),
ENS, Yaoundé I
Kengne Eugène Marcel (M),
ENS, Yaoundé I
Dr. Matchinda Brigitte (F),
Direction Enseignement Supérieur Privé (MINESUP)
Dr. Mbangwana Moses Atezah (M), Université de Buéa, Responsable Equipe Parrain
Prof. Mvesso André (M),
Directeur Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Université de Yaoundé I, Yaoundé. Intégration des TIC dans l'Education en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre
(Phase II) Cameroun Contextual framework for Cameroon In 1992, ICT was introduced in all the secondary schools of technical and
professional education. Besides, government conducted awareness campaigns
with the population on the related stakes and allowed the launch of several
Internet service providers (ISP).
In Cameroon, like in other countries, the Internet is a tremendous resource
for its citizens. E-mail services, Net phones and Websites are currently
available in the provincial capitals and major towns. Though Internet
services became operational as early as 1972, it emerged in Cameroon only
in the late 1990s. And since then, it has become something of great
interest especially among high school and University graduates. Cyber Cafés
have been cropping up steadily particularly in the Urban centers. Tanjong
(2006) remarks again that the Cameroonian youth takes particular interest
in Internet for scholarships, pen friends, education and other more or less
important reasons. Noteworthy is also the fact that most institutions like
Universities, socio-political and business groups have already developed
their own Websites. More still, the arrival of mobile phones has greatly altered the
information and communication landscape within Cameroon. Three companies
are competing in this sector: MTN, ORANGE and CAMTEL MOBILE. The Cameroon
government has also made great efforts to respond to the need for quality
education, and the demands of globalization. Amongst these could be cited,
the liberalization of the audio-visual media sector, the abolition of
custom charges for imported communication equipment and the introduction of
computers and internet facilities in schools, colleges and Universities. Putting together teachers and students by school and by computer, it is
evident that the ICT user/computer ratio ranges form 18 users per to 109 in
some of the selected schools. The number of computers compared to the
number of students therefore conveys a weak parameter in encouraging access
and the process of ICT integration in Cameroon schools when we compare to
developed countries where in some cases the ratio may be 1:15. Solutions to
these problems differ from public to private school. In schools where ICT
equipment was provided by government, attention is still focused on
government for maintenance and this sometimes lead to difficulties in
maintenance. In lay private schools, the individuals are seeking new ways
of expanding their stock of computers. The principal of Longla
Comprehensive College successfully got a set of about eighty computers from
his Peace Corps and the students usually pay a computer fee for
It is in this context that ERNWACA Cameroon accepted to carry this project
sponsored by the Educational Research Network for West and Central Africa.
Conceptual framework : National ICT Activities: This section is a vivid expression of the conceptual framework and explores
the national activities relevant to the pedagogical integration of ICT in
Cameroon. A number of other organizations are very active in the area of networking
in the public sector - the Centre National de Développement de
l'Informatique (CENADI), Université de Yaoundé 1 (UniYounde1), the École
Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique (ENSP), and the UNDP sponsored SDNP
Cameroon. Officially, responsibility for national Internet and ICT policy
rests with a Comité interministériel composed of representatives from:
Ministère de la Communication
Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications
Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur
Ministère de l'Éducation,
Ministère de l'Économie et des Finances
Ministère des Relations Extérieures et des Services du Premier Ministère
A technical committee composed of experts in the field of ICTs and
networking advises the inter-ministerial committee. Various other
structures are also involved in the process:
An Internet working group comprising representatives from IntelCam,
Ministère des Postes et
École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique,
Ministère Chargé des Relations extérieures,
Ministère Chargé de la Communication and
Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur.
An infrastructure committee
A training and 'vulgarization' committee
An Internet content development committee
A co-operation committee
Support for capacity building in training institutions will focus on the
Département d'informatique at ENSP, at the Faculté des sciences at the
Université de Yaoundé 1 and at the Instituts Universitaires de Technologie
in Douala and Bandjoun. Modernization of training programmes will be
assisted by the Institut Africain de l'Informatique in Libreville, Gabon.
The UniYaoundé1 and ENSP operate UniNet, on behalf of the Ministère de
Supérieur. At ENSP, there are two departments with a major involvement in
networking - The Automation Control Laboratory (ACL), and the Laboratoire
d'Electronique et Traitement des Signals. The Comité National de
Développement des Technologies (CNDT) is also active in ICT programmes in
the country.
The Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), the teacher training school of
UniYaounde1 located offcampus
is developing a technology based distance education programme and will be
connected to
UniNet with support from ACCT.
Other relevant institutions:
Université de Dschang, Dschang
Université de Douala, Douala
Université de Ngaoundere, Ngaoundere
Université catholique d'Afrique centrale, Yaoundé
Université de Yaoundé' II, Yaoundé
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Travaux Publics de Yaoundé (ENSTPE) -
Informatics is one of their five areas of specialization.
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Postes et Télécommunications
Proliferation of Cybercafés in Cameroun
When internet appeared in Cameroon, in the early 90s, it was only located
in Douala and Yaounde cities. It was very expensive because of the novelty
of the technology and the high cost of the technical infrastructures.
During this period it was mainly the dial up technology that was being
used. The dial up technology was very complicated due to instability of
telephone network. The Price of the equipment (computers, printers, cables,
switches, hubs, etc.) was very expensive. The cost of internet surfing per
hour was on the average a thousand francs CFA. The government of Cameroon
signed a text exonerating taxes on ICT equipment and this gave a leeway to
businessmen to venture in the ICT landscape. Many cyber cafés mushroomed.
The improvement of the telecommunications in Cameroon has greatly improved
over the years. The sole company that is Cameroon telecommunication
(CAMTEL) is now in stiff competition with other networks such as ORANGE
and MTN and as a result telecommunications has been greatly improved. The
prices of computer