The Global Health Workforce Alliance ¦ Africa & Middle East ¦ Asia ...

baccalauréat. CON 013. Baccalauréat international ..... éducation physique .....
évaluation du programme. Li 1346. examen. CNB 057 ; CNB 091 ; CON 044 ....
Haiti. HAI 004. handicapé. SEN 110; SEN 116. Hararé. Li 0413. haute école ...

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|The Global Health Workforce Alliance ¦ Africa & Middle East ¦ |
|Asia & Pacific ¦ North America ¦ Europe ¦ Latin America & Caribbean ¦ |
|News from WHO and partners |
| |
| |
|This compilation is for your information only and should not be |
|redistributed | News related to Global Health Workforce Alliance
|Date |Headline |Publication |
|15.06.0|Eighth Alliance Board meets in Beijing to discuss |GHWA |
|9 |progress to date and strategic next steps (( | | Africa & Middle East |Date |Headline |Publication |
|15.06.0|Kasese District Lacks Health Workers (( |New Vision, |
|9 | |Uganda |
|16.06.0|Health Services Still Grounded As Benue Doctors' |Daily |
|9 |Strike Continues(( |Independent,|
| | |Nigeria |
|16.06.0|Africa: The Other Crisis (( |IPS-Africa |
|9 | | |
|15.06.0|Overburdened KZN Hospital Suspends ARV Programme((|Health-e, SA|
|9 | | |
|15.06.0|Chingola Health Workers End Strike (( |Tiimes of |
|9 | |Zambia |
|15.06.0|Minister Xaba decries nurses migration (( |Swazi |
|9 | |Observer |
|18.06.0|Health workers dispute ends with R45 000 payouts((|Dispatch |
|9 | |Online, SA |
|17.06.0|TELESANTE DANS L'ESPACE CEDEAO: l'état des lieux, |Le Pays, |
|9 |pays par pays(( |Burkina Faso|
|17.06.0|Animated movie depicts Gaza's health woes (( |Haaretz, |
|9 | |Israel |
|11.06.0|Health workforce development planning in the |7th Espace |
|9 |Sultanate of Oman: a case study (( |Interactive |
| | |Web |
| | | |
Asia & Pacific |Date |Headline |Publication |
|15.06.0|Different needs (( |Dawn, |
|9 | |Pakistan |
|15.06.0|Manpower shortage hits community clinics (( |Daily Star, |
|9 | |Bangladesh |
|9 | |Pakistan |
|16.06.0|La Loi sur la santé en débat(( |Le Courrier |
|9 | |du Vietnam |
|18.06.0|Doctors call for rural change(( |Weekly |
|9 | |Times, |
| | |Australia |
|15.06.0|Health Minister's speech notes for NZMA GP |,|
|9 |Conference (( |N. Zealand |
| | | |
North America |Date |Headline |Publication|
|14.06.0|Seeking a Career in Health Care? Explore and |, NY |
|9 |Prepare to Succeed (( | |
|14.06.0|PROMISES, PROMISES: Indian health care's victims((|Associated |
|9 | |Press |
|12.06.0|Students May Be Solution to Shortage of Medical |PR Web, WA |
|9 |Professionals (( | |
|14.06.0|Altoona Regional hiring nurses (( |Altoona |
|9 | |Mirror, PA |
|17.06.0|New Research Predicts Continuing Nurse Shortage ((|NurseZone.c|
|9 | |om |
|12.06.0|Nursing Shortage Eases With Recession's Help (( |Wall Street|
|9 | |Journal |
|12.06.0|New Studies Show Nursing Workforce Critical to |PR Newswire|
|9 |Success of Health Reform (( | |
|12.06.0|Economy Eases Nursing Demand While Programs Full |eMaxHealth |
|9 |(( | |
|15.06.0|Health care: A primer for Washington's coming |Dallas |
|9 |debate(( |Morning |
| | |News, TX |
|11.06.0|Les infirmières sont epuissés (( |Rue |
|9 | |Frontenac, |
| | |Canada |
| | | |
Europe |Date |Headline |Publication |
|16.06.0|Financial Business Solutions Worldwide voices ||
|9 |support for Secretary of 12th National Nurses |.uk |
| |Congress (( | |
|13.06.0|Calling time on doctors' working hours (( |The Lancet, |
|9 | |UK |
|17.06.0|BMA raises opposition to market driven NHS (( |BMJ, UK |
|9 | | |
|11.06.0|Independent midwifery care versus NHS care in the |BMJ, UK |
|9 |UK (Editorial)(( | |
|18.06.0|Health workers to get special training (( |Press and |
|9 | |Journal, UK |
|20.06.0|An assessment of interactions between global |The Lancet, |
|9 |health initiatives and country health systems(( |UK |
|15.06.0|UN Secretary-General remarks at his Forum on |ISRIA, |
|9 |global Health : the tie that binds(( |France |
|14.06.0|Faltan 6.000 enfermeros en la Región (( |20 Minutos, |
|9 | |Spain |
|13.06.0|Purpan. Embouteillage dans les couloirs des ||
|9 |urgences(( |, France |
|14.06.0|Más de 300 enfermeros 'emigrarán' en los próximos |, |
|9 |meses por falta de contratos estables (( |Spain |
| | | |
Latin America & Caribbean |Date |Headline |Publication |
|16.06.0|Enfermeras advierten retomarán acciones de luchas |El Nuevo |
|9 |por falta de respuestas del gobierno (( |Diario, DR |
|15.06.0|Tienen enfermeras alta demanda local y mundial (( |Periódico |
|9 | |a.m, Mexico |
|12.06.0|Llegan al quinto día las protestas de médicos en |El Nacional,|
|9 |la Maternidad Concepción Palacios (( |Venezuela |
|12.06.0|Las 800 plazas para nuevos médicos requeridos por |Los Tiempos,|
|9 |Salud se distribuirán en todo el país (( |Bolivia |
|16.06.0|Sospechosos de AHINI estornudan al aire libre(( |La Tribuna, |
|9 | |Honduras |
|18.06.0|Reos, moribundos y sin atención (( |La Estrella,|
|9 | |Panama |
News from WHO and partners |Date |Headline |Publication |
|09.06.0|Pacific nurse shortage prompts concern(( | |
|9 | | |
|15.06.0|Nursing: A Key To Patient Satisfaction(( | |
|9 | | |
|12.06.0|Influenza A (H1N1) update (( |ICN |
|9 | | |
|29.05.0|Health workers on the frontline of fight against |, |
|9 |malaria drug resistance(( |UK | News related to Global Health Workforce Alliance Eighth Alliance Board meets in Beijing to discuss progress to date and
strategic next steps
15/06/2009 15 June | GENEVA, BEIJING - The eighth meeting of the Global Health
Workforce Alliance Board ("the Alliance") opened today against the backdrop
of an ensuing global financial turmoil and a rapidly evolving public health
emergency. The meeting is being held in the Chinese capital city of Beijing
from 15-16 June. Board members from around the world are participating at this important
gathering to discuss and review progress made by the Alliance, while at the
same time, provide timely guidance in the way that the Secretariat and its
members are responding to the ever growing public health demands brought on
by the global health workforce crisis. "We have a bold slogan - access to
health workers for all - we need to ensure that we can call this out if the
impact of the financial crisis continues" said Sigrun Møgedal, chairperson
of the Boar