CONTENTS February 2014 I. EXECUTIVE ORDER BJ 14-01 ...

?Al-Qaeda Leader Blasts French 'Crusader' Ban on Islamic Veil. ... ?Scientists Say
California Quake Could Cause Katrina II. ...... Emergency Management Australia (
The Auditor-General Audit Report No. ..... ?Ford, The Feds, The Mob; Making a
Wasteland? (Part 1, Toxic Legacy Special ...... ?9/11 Accusations Fly Within CIA.

Part of the document

BJ 14-01 Executive Department-Limited Hiring Freeze 199
BJ 14-02 Carry-Forward Bond Allocation 2013 200 II EMERGENCY RULES
Children and Family Services
Economic Stability Section(Student Financial
Assistance Grants (LAC 67:III.5599) 202
Health and Hospitals
Board of Pharmacy(Compounding for Prescriber Use
(LAC 46:LIII.2535) 202
Bureau of Health Services Financing(Abortion
Facilities(Licensing Standards (LAC 48:I.Chapter 44) 203
Applied Behavioral Analysis-Based Therapy
Services (LAC 50:XV.Chapters 1-7) 204
Disproportionate Share Hospital
Payments(Public-Private Partnerships (LAC 50:V.Chapter 29) 206
Disproportionate Share Hospital
Payments(Public-Private Partnerships-North and Central
Louisiana Areas (LAC 50:V.2903) 207
Disproportionate Share Hospital
Payments(Public-Private Partnerships(South Louisiana Area
(LAC 50:V.2903) 208
Home and Community-Based Services
Providers(Licensing Standards (LAC 48:I.5001, 5003, and 5055) 209
Home Health Program(Rehabilitation
Services(Reimbursement Rate Increase (LAC 50:XIII.Chapter 9) 210
Inpatient Hospital Services(Major Teaching
Hospitals(Qualifying Criteria (LAC 50:V.1301-1309) 211
Inpatient Hospital Services(Public-Private
Partnerships(Reimbursement Methodology (LAC 50:V.1703) 213
Inpatient Hospital Services-Public-Private
Partnerships-South Louisiana Area (LAC 50:V.1703) 214
Inpatient Hospital Services-Public-Private
Partnerships-Supplemental Payments (LAC 50:V.Chapter 17) 215
Medicaid Eligibility(Provisional Medicaid
Program (LAC 50:III.2305) 216
Medical Transportation Program(Emergency
Ambulance Services(Supplemental Payments
(LAC 50:XXVII.327 and 355) 217
Nursing Facilities(Leave of Absence
Days(Reimbursement Reduction (LAC 50:II.20021) 220
Nursing Facilities(Per Diem Rate Reduction
(LAC 50:II.20005) 220
Nursing Facilities(Reimbursement
Methodology(Low Income and Needy Care Collaboration
(LAC 50:II.20025) 221
Nursing Facilities(Reimbursement
Methodology(Private Room Conversions (LAC 50:II.20010) 222
Outpatient Hospital Services(Public-Private
Partnerships(Supplemental Payments
(LAC 50:V.Chapter 67) 222
Pharmacy Benefits Management Program-Methods
of Payment (LAC 50:XXIX.105 and Chapter 9) 223
Professional Services Program(Public-Private
Partnerships(Professional Practitioners
Supplemental Payments (LAC 50:IX.15157)
Rehabilitation Clinics(Physical and
Occupational Therapies(Reimbursement Rate Increase
(LAC 50:XI.301 and 303) 227
Rehabilitation Clinics(Termination of Coverage
for Recipients 21 and Older (LAC 50:XI.103 and 301) 228
School Based Health Centers(Rehabilitation
Services(Reimbursement Rate Increase
(LAC 50:XV.9141) 229
Natural Resources
Office of Conservation(Statewide Orders No. 29-B and
29-B-a (LAC 43:XIX.Chapters 2 and 11) 230
Public Safety and Corrections
Corrections Services(Disciplinary Rules and
Procedures for Adult Offenders (LAC 22:I.341) 241 III. RULES
Children and Family Services
Division of Programs, Licensing Section(Licensing
Class "A" Regulations for Child Care Centers
(LAC 67:III.7302, 7303, 7304, 7305, 7311,
7315, 7317, 7331, 7333, and 7335) 243
Licensing Class "B" Regulations for Child Care
Centers (LAC 67:III.7355, 7357, 7359, 7361,
7363, 7365, 7371, 7372 and 7385) 253 This public document was published at a total cost of $2,000. Two hundred
fifty copies of this public document were published in this monthly
printing at a cost of $2,000. The total cost of all printings of this
document including reprints is $2,000. This document was published by Moran
Printing, Inc. 5425 Florida Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, as a service
to the state agencies in keeping them cognizant of the new rules and
regulations under the authority of R.S. 49:950-971 and R.S. 49:981-999.
This material was printed in accordance with standards for printing by
state agencies established pursuant to R.S. 43:31. Printing of this
material was purchased in accordance with the provisions of Title 43 of the
Louisiana Revised Statutes. The Office of the State Register provides auxiliary aids for the Louisiana
Register for visually impaired individuals. By appointment, oral
presentation of the Register is available at the Office of the State
Register, or an audiocassette tape of requested sections of the Register
can be provided for the cost incurred by the Office of the State Register
in producing such a tape. For more information contact the Office of the
State Register.
Economic Development
Louisiana Economic Development Corporation(Economic
Development Award Program (EDAP),
Economic Development Loan Program (EDLOP)
and Economic Development Site Readiness
Program (EDRED) (LAC 13:III.Chapter 1)
Small Business Loan and Guaranty Program (SBL
and GP) and State Small Business
Credit Initiative (SSBCI) Program (LAC
19:VII.109 and 309) 273
Louisiana Seed Capital Program (LSCP) and Seed
Capital Program for the State Small Business
Credit Initiative (SSBCI) Program (LAC
19:VII.7713 and 8713) 274
Office of the Secretary, Office of Business
Development(Economic Development Award Program (EDAP),
Economic Development Loan Program (EDLOP)
and Economic Development Site Readiness
Program (EDRED) (LAC 13:III.Chapter 1)
Small Business Loan and Guaranty Program (SBL
and GP) and State Small Business
Credit Initiative (SSBCI) Program (LAC
19:VII.109 and 309) 273
Louisiana Seed Capital Program (LSCP) and Seed
Capital Program for the State Small Business
Credit Initiative (SSBCI) Program (LAC
19:VII.7713 and 8713) 274
Board of Elementary and Secondary Education(Bulletin
741(Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators
Carnegie Credit and Credit Flexibility
(LAC 28:CXV.2314) 275
Bulletin 741 (Nonpublic)(Louisiana Handbook
for Nonpublic School Administrators(Programs of Study
(LAC 28:LXXIX.2102) 275
Bulletin 746(Louisiana Standards for State
Certification of School Personnel
(LAC 28:CXXXI.233, 235, 237, 243, 305,
309, 311, 313, 323, 348, 625, 627, 633, and 648) 276
Student Financial Assistance Commission, Office of
Student Financial Assistance(Scholarship/Grant
Programs (LAC 28:IV.301 and 1903) 281
Environmental Quality
Office of the Secretary, Legal Division(Expanded
Definition of Byproduct Material
(LAC 33:XV.102, 304, 322, 324, 328, 399,
460, 465, 499, 717, 729, 731, 732, 735, and 1302)(RP055ft) 282
Solid Waste Financial Document Update (LAC
33:VII.301, 407, 513, 517, 519, 527, 709, 717, 719,
1303, 1399, and 10313)(SW055) 292
Health and Hospitals
Board of Examiners in Dietetics and
Nutrition(Licensure (LAC 46:LXIX.101, 103, and 109) 301
Board of Social Work Examiners(General Requirements
(LAC 46:XXV.117, 119, 307, 315, 319, 703,
705, 905, 907, and 911) 303
Board of Veterinary Medicine(Licensure Procedures,
Veterinary Practice, Registered Veterinary
Technicians, Professional Conduct,
Preceptorship Program, Certified Animal Euthanasia Technicians
(LAC 46:LXXXV. 301, 303, 307, 700, 702,
801, 803, 816, 1103, 1200, 1201) 307
Bureau of Health Services Financing(Coordinated Care
Network (LAC 50:I.Chapter 31, 3303, and 3307) 310
Inpatient Hospital Services(Non-Rural, Non-
State Hospitals(Reimbursement Rate Reductions
(LAC 50:V.Chapter 9) 312
Inpatient Hospital Services(State
Hospitals(Reimbursement Rate Reductions (LAC 50:V.551) 312
Outpatient Hospital Services(Non-Rural, Non-
State Hospitals and Children's Specialty Hospitals
Reimbursement Rate Red