questionnaire - TÜV Thüringen

STRUCTURE DE LA NORME (SELON L'ISO) .... vérification de l'application des
intentions de la direction, examen de l'efficacité ou de la sécurité ..... de gestion
de la sécurité de l'information (SGSI ou ISMS), selon la norme ISO 27001:2005.

Part of the document

We wish to receive an offer for certification according to the standard:
| ISO 9001:2008 | ISO | ISO 50001*| ISO 27001* | ISO 20000*| EfbV |
| |14001:2004* | | | | |
| ISO 9001:2015 | ISO | SCC* | SCP* | ISO 29990 | QESplus |
| |14001:2015* | | | | |
| HACCP* | ISO 22000* | FSSC | OHSAS* | MAAS-BGW |
| | |22000* | | |
| |Certification of several standards - | other standard: |
| |Integrated audit | |
| |(please fill in annex 1) | |
| |Certification of several sites - |* Please ask for this the |
| |Multi-site certification |standard-specific |
| |(please fill in annex 2) |questionnaire. |
|I. Corporate data |
|Name of the | |Contact person |
|company | | |
|street | |Function |
|Zip-code, City | |E-Mail |
|www. | |Tel. Fax|
|II. Information about the company |
|Indication about | |
|industrial sector / | |
|Manufactured products / | |
|rendered service(s) | |
|Scope of the management | |
|system | |
|(as indication on the | |
|certificate) | |
|Mainly used raw materials | |
|/ products | |
|Are there exclusions | No |
|(ISO 9001:2008) or |Yes, the following: |
|non-applicable standard | |
|requirements | |
|(ISO 9001:2015)? | |
|Explanation for exclusions| |
| | |
|or non-applicable standard| |
|requirements | |
|Are there outsourced | No |
|production- or service | |
|processes? | |
| | Yes, the following: |
|III. Indication of no. of employees |
|*No. of employees in total| |
| | |
| |thereof |
| |fulltime |
| |part-time, h/ week |
| |marginally occupied (< 15 h / week) |
|* Certification of several|leased labourer |
|sites - | |
|Please fill in annex 2. | |
|Is work | No | Employees 1st shift | Employees 3rd |
|performed in |Yes | |shift |
|shifts? | | | |
| | | Employees 2nd shift | Employees 4th |
| | | |shift |
|In the shifts identical | No Yes, remarks if appl.: |
|activities are performed | |
|IV. Site-specific conditions (please tick off where applicable) |
| The proportion of simple | Activities are performed in several buildings|
|activities is relatively high. |on-site. |
| There are several production | There are highly complex processes or a high |
|lines of similar type. |number of unique activities. |
| There are only few product | The activities are performed at temporary |
|groups. |sites. |
| |(e.g. construction sites) |
| There is a low vertical range of | There is a high degree of regulation |
|manufacturing. |regarding external requirements. |
|V. Indication about the management system |
|Have you already | No |
|implemented a |Yes, Standard: , implemented on: |
|management system? |For implementation of the management system we have |
| |received consulting services. |
| |Name of consultant / organisation: |
|Do you already have a | No |
|certified management |Yes, certified since , |
|system by another |For following standard: |
|certification body? | |
| |Name of the certification body: |
|We wish to receive an | No |
|offer for takeover* of |Yes, the copy of the certificate is annexed to this |
|the existing |questionnaire. |
|certification by TÜV | |
|Thüringen e.V. | |
|*Remark: |
|With takeover of the existing certification the certification body has to review|
|the audit reports (first certification / surveillance and re-certification), the|
|existing nonconformity reports and the valid certificate (in copy). Please send |
|your certificate with the questionnaire and send to us the previous audit |
|reports together with the order form. |
Further remarks: | | , | | | |
| |Place, date | |Stamp / signature of the | |
| | | |management | |
In case of questions regarding the questionnaire or if you wish to receive
other information please use following contact: ANNEX 1 Only to be filled in with certification of an integrated
management system
Questionnaire for certification of several standards as integrated audit With certification of several standards at the same time, so-called
integrated management-system audit (e.g. ISO 9001 + ISO 14001; ISO 9001 +
ISO 22000) synergy effects can occur which can lead to a reduction of audit
duration in your company.
In order to estimate your company with regard to possible synergy effects
for certification we ask you to indicate the integration grade of your
management system in relation to the standards to be certified. Please tick off the aspects relevant for your integrated management system:
| |The management review considers the overall business strategy and the |
| |planning of all standards to be certified. |
| |The internal audits are conducted in integrated mode for all relevant |
| |standards. |
| | |
| |There is an integrated approach to policy and objectives. |
| | |
| |There is an integrated approach to systems processes. |
| | |
| |There is an integrated documentation including procedures and work |
| |instructions (as far as professionally reasonable). |
| |. |
| |There is an in integrated approach to improvement mechanisms |
| |(corrections, preventions, measuring methods and continuous |
| |improvement). |
| |There is a unified management support and responsib