The Zor Effect - Collectif VAN

14* LÊ Thành Lân. L?ch và niên bi?u l?ch s? hai m??i th? k? 0001-2010. ... Et
traduit en vietnamien Ng??i nông dân châu th? B?c K?, parNguy?n Kh?c .....
Quatrième réédition corrigée et augmentée par NXB V?n Hóa, Hà N?i, 1997, 142
0p. ..... d'origines des doc. p.1021-1026, d'un certain nombre de sujets p.1027-

Part of the document

24 Avril 2008 : 93ème anniversaire du génocide arménien de 1915
perpétré par le gouvernement Jeune-Turc
93 ans de déni : ça suffit !
Lundi 02 Mars 2009 Retrouvez les news sur :
Facebook : diffuseur de virus racistes et négationnistes
Info Collectif VAN - - Un groupe anti-arménien,
raciste et négationniste, a été créé sur Facebook, sous l'appellation
trompeuse de "24 April 1915". Ce groupe, prétendûment créé par des
Arméniens, et dont le titre fait référence à la date officielle du début du
génocide arménien de 1915, est en fait, comme à l'accoutumée, une manoeuvre
de désinformation turque visant à nier le génocide commis à l'encontre de 1
500 000 Arméniens. Non seulement, ce site diffuse des messages racistes,
mensongers et haineux envers les Arméniens mais il diffuserait également -
y compris via les photos - des virus. Attention, ne rejoignez pas ce groupe usurpateur et dangereux. Faites
suivre cet avertissement. Voici la maxime du site : "Give a lie twenty-four hours start, and it will take a hundred years to
overtake it."
Voici les messages affichés sur la page d'accueil :
24 April 1915 Mondial Informations générales Type : Intérêts communs - Politique Description : "Give a lie twenty-four hours start, and it will take a
hundred years to overtake it." (C.F. Dixon-Johnson, British author of the
1916 book, "The Armenians," appalled over the deceitful practices of his
book's subject.) Coordonnées Adresse : London, United Kingdom Actualités récentes Adam Mete:
"Armenians are the worst one from white-skinned slaves. They don't have
honour. Their thefts are famous. They are good only if they are under the
fear and cudgel." Semyon Ichilov, the Chairman of Mountain Jews community :
"In the mined of former and present leaders of "luckless nation" just have
crazy projects of building "great Armenia" using territory of neighboring
countries, hate to everybody who isn't Armenian, and feelings of hostility
against neighbors". Georgian proverb:
"Armenians came- came disaster" Graff de Sholle, the French traveler :
"The bastardies, slyness of Armenians were too abominable, their villainess
was too ashamed and furious that I couldn't afford myself to be close to
them, thought the poverty of Armenians and their sufferings caused me to
fell sorry for them". Tatsit, the Roman historian:
"This nation(armenian) is hypocritical and worthless on both; for its
nature and geographical condition they possess since old ages. They
constantly hate the Romans, envy the Parthian and even their hearts are
going to break". Alexandre Dumas (1802 - 1870), famous French writer:
"Armenians always were under the authority of the rulers of other
religions. As a result of which they turned to fraud and cunning people,
able to hide their thoughts, intensions and feelings". K. Marx and F. Engels wrote about armenians:
"Armenians for the first time brought and spread the prostitutism
throughout the world". (Miscellaneous articles, III part, page 275). The great general Amir Teymur said these words a little before his death:
"The future generations either will reproach or gratitude me for leaving
armenians in life". The well-known armenian writer, the citizen of USA, L. Z. Surmalian in his
book, "Lady and Gentleman, my appeal is to you", wrote the following:
"The reason of the contradiction between turks and armenians is the
continuous cruelty by armenian nationalists in return of turkish and azeri
nations' humanism, careness and patriotism". The "Armenian" historic, Movses Khorenatsy wrote about armenians:
"As now, since the past times ancient "hay"s didn't like the sciences,
poems and songs.
That's why there's no importance to speak about stupid, illiterate,
ignorant and wild people".
English scientist, Vilson wrote about armenians the following:
"Armenians are greedy and mencenary, plotters, instigators, boasters and
they don't like anyone except theirselves. They have talent to exaggerate
the small problem and love to arouse intrigues". The French travellier, graph De Scholle writes about armenians the
"In spite of the armenians poverty and torment, which caused on me great
compassion, I could never get close to them, their cheating is cursedly,
abjection is shameful and is outrageous their dirty tricks".
The greatest Russian poet Alexander Pushkin:
"You are coward, you are slave - you are Armenian!"
The famous persian poet, Sadi Shirazi about armenians:
"Armenian is the snake of the world, Is the enemy of the humanity." English scientist, Vilson wrote about armenians the following:
"Armenians are greedy and mencenary, plotters, instigators, boasters and
they don't like anyone except theirselves. They have talent to exaggerate
the small problem and love to arouse intrigues". The "Armenian" historic, Movses Khorenatsy wrote about armenians:
"As now, since the past times ancient "hay"s didn't like the sciences,
poems and songs.
That's why there's no importance to speak about stupid, illiterate,
ignorant and wild people". The well-known armenian writer, the citizen of USA, L. Z. Surmalian in his
book, "Lady and Gentleman, my appeal is to you", wrote the following:
"The reason of the contradiction between turks and armenians is the
continuous cruelty by armenian nationalists in return of turkish and azeri
nations' humanism, careness and patriotism" The great Russian writer Griboyedov organized the transmigration of
armenians from Iran, when he was the Russian ambassador to Iran. He wrote a
letter to Russia's Emperor about the location of armenians the following:
"Majesty, I would like to ask you don't allow to locate armenians at the
central russian regions. Because they are such filth and shameless clans
that, will shout throughout the world and claim those lands as their
"ancient motherland"..." Therefore Russian Emperor located armenians not in
the Central Russia, but in Caucasus for destroy the strong and ancient
relations of Caucasus nations". We'd like to continiue the list of opinions about armenians with the
phrases from the well-known book of Asias's wisdom, "Gabusname":
"Armenians differ from other nations of the world with their filthy
personality. The vice of each armenian: they are hostile, awkward, thief,
envious, coward, illiterate, instigator, unfaithful, hypocrite, swearer,
traitor and betray. By one word the armenian personality is full of
negative features" The German travellier writes about armenians in his book of "Outlines of
Anatolia" the bellow:
"Nearly everyone, who touches upon the kernel of the nation, learns to
respect and love turks, to humiliate greek, to hate and despise
armenians...Everywhere justifies the proverb, that greek defrauds 2 jewes,
but armenian defrauds 2 greeks. Certainly, if you have defrauded in
Anatolia, so you had a business with armenian". He writes else, "When I had
a business with turks, so I didn't need the written document, because his
vow is enough. When I had a business with greeks, I was in need to sign the
written document, because it is important for them. But, when I had a
business with armenians, I didn't sign any documents, because even the
written document can't barrier their mendacity and intrigue".(b.6, p.188-
191) The Caucasian tatars about armenians:
"Burn your five fingers like candle for armenian way, but he will not even
thank you". Télécharger le pdf 7 SOUMGAIT
Pogroms de Soumgaït : 21e anniversaire Info Collectif VAN - - Le Collectif VAN vous présente
cette newsletter bimensuelle sur l'actualité politique, économique et
culturelle du Haut-Karabagh mise à notre disposition par la Représentation
de la République du Haut-Karabagh en France.
2009-03-01 12:36 A l'occasion du 21e anniversaire des pogroms de Soumgaït, le président de
la République du Haut-Karabagh (RHK) Bako Sahakian s'est rendu, le 28
février 2009, au mémorial des victimes des massacres. Les événements tragiques qui se sont déroulés en février 1988 dans la ville
azerbaïdjanaise de Soumgaït ont été précédés d'une grande vague de
manifestations anti-arméniennes et de rassemblements à travers tout
l'Azerbaïdjan. Les pogroms et les massacres des Arméniens de Soumgaït ont
eu lieu en plein jour. Entre les 27 et 29 février 1988 la quasi-totalité de la ville de Soumgaït
s'était transformée en arène de massacres impunis de la population
arménienne. Des pogroms ont été organisés dans les appartements des
Arméniens selon des listes d'habitants établies préalablement. Des
centaines de personnes innocentes ont été blessées à divers degrés et
devenus infirmes. Plus de 200 appartements ont été saccagés, de nombreuses
voitures détruites et brûlées, des dizaines d'ateliers, de magasins et de
kiosques mis à sac. Les pogroms ont eu comme résultat des milliers de
réfugiés. Les événements tragiques qui ont eu lieu à Soumgaït à la fin du mois de
février 1988 n'ont jamais fait l'objet de condamnations politiques. Ses
organisateurs et les principaux exécutants ont non seulement échappé au
châtiment, mais leurs noms demeurent inconnus du monde.
Toutefois, les documents, témoignages et autres faits dont on dispose
aujourd'hui permettent de tirer une conclusion claire : les pogroms ont été
programmés et mis en ?uvre au plus haut niveau politique. Ses principaux
organisateurs et exécutants