Directive de Navigabilité de l'EASA de référence ... -

07 Septembre 2012 ... Exercices RDM (TD Boite à lettre + Vérification avec
RDM6) ... TP : Etude d'un CAN (Carte PIC HP488) et d'un CNA (Simulation ISIS).

Part of the document

Avis d'émission d'une Directive de Navigabilité (AD)* par |X |l'EASA, European Aviation Safety Agency |
| | |
| |l'autorité primaire d'un matériel étranger |
Les examens ou modifications décrits ou rappelés ci-dessous sont
impératifs. La non application des exigences contenues dans la Directive de
Navigabilité citée ci-dessous entraîne l'inaptitude au vol de l'aéronef
concerné. (Envoi 03/2012 du 08 février 2012) Directive de Navigabilité de l'EASA de référence 2012-0018 CEAPR Avions DR 200, DR 220, DR 221, DR 250, DR 253, DR 300, DR 400, HR 100,
R1000 et R3000 Lubrification - Tuyauteries d'huile - Remplacement Cette AD annule et remplace la CN DGAC F-2002-322 qui est annulée par sa
Révision 3.
|Nota pour les exploitants et organismes d'entretien d'aéronefs inscrits |
|au registre français : |
| |
|Si l'AD jointe invite à un contact vers l'autorité primaire de l'AD, |
|contacter le bureau concerné du département certification-produits de |
|l'EASA. |
| |
|Si pour l'exécution d'une tâche donnée, l'AD jointe se réfère à une |
|qualification de personnel répondant à une réglementation nationale, il |
|est possible de faire intervenir, pour cette tâche, du personnel de |
|qualification équivalente acceptée dans l'Union Européenne. |
| |
|Si l'AD jointe se réfère à une donnée de navigabilité ou une instruction |
|pour le maintien de la navigabilité (Manuel de Vol, Manuel de |
|Maintenance, ...) qui n'est pas celle approuvée ou pas celle en vigueur |
|en France ou si l'AD jointe présente une difficulté d'application liée à |
|sa spécificité nationale, exposer le problème auprès du département |
|Navigabilité Aéronef d'OSAC (par courriel à "" ou par |
|fax au 01 46 42 65 39) ou auprès du bureau concerné du département |
|certification-produits de l'EASA. |
* Cette AD est exigible au titre du règlement Européen 1702/2003 ou de la
Décision n° 2/2003 de l'EASA.
|[pic] |AD No.: 2012-0018 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |Date: 25 January 2012 |
| | |
| |Note: This Airworthiness Directive (AD) is issued by |
| |EASA, acting in accordance with Regulation (EC) No |
| |216/2008 on behalf of the European Community, its Member|
| |States and of the European third countries that |
| |participate in the activities of EASA under Article 66 |
| |of that Regulation. |
|This AD is issued in accordance with EC 1702/2003, Part 21A.3B. In |
|accordance with EC 2042/2003 Annex I, Part M.A.301, the continuing |
|airworthiness of an aircraft shall be ensured by accomplishing any |
|applicable ADs. Consequently, no person may operate an aircraft to which an|
|AD applies, except in accordance with the requirements of that AD unless |
|otherwise specified by the Agency [EC 2042/2003 Annex I, Part M.A.303] or |
|agreed with the Authority of the State of Registry [EC 216/2008, Article |
|14(4) exemption]. |
|Type Approval Holder's Name : |Type/Model designation(s) : |
| | |
|CEAPR |DR 200, DR 300, DR 400, HR 100, R |
| |1180 and R 3000 aeroplanes |
|TCDS Numbers: DGAC France No. 100, 111, 115, 121, 131 and 172 |
|Foreign AD: Not applicable |
|Supersedure: This AD supersedes DGAC France AD 2002-322(A) R2 dated 16 |
|April 2003. |
| |
|ATA 79 |Oil System - Oil Lines - Replacement |
| |
|Manufacturer(s): |Centre Est Aéronautique, Avions Pierre Robin, Robin |
| |Aviation, Constructions Aéronautiques de Bourgogne, APEX|
| |Industries. |
|Applicability: |DR 200, DR 220, DR 220 A, DR 221, DR 220 B, DR 220 AB, |
| |DR 221 B DR 250, DR 250-160, DR 250 B, DR 250 B-160, DR |
| |253 and DR 253 B aeroplanes, all serial numbers (s/n). |
| |DR 300/108, DR 300/120, DR 300/125, DR 300/140, DR |
| |300/180 R, DR 315, DR 340, DR 360 and DR 380 aeroplanes,|
| |all s/n. |
| |DR 400/100, DR 400/120, DR 400/120 A, DR 400/120 D, DR |
| |400/125, |
| |DR 400/125 i, DR 400/140, DR 400/140 B, DR 400/160, DR |
| |400/160 D, |
| |DR 400/180, DR 400/180 R, DR 400/180 S, DR 400/2+2, DR |
| |400/RP, |
| |DR 400/NGL and DR 400/200 R aeroplanes, all s/n up to |
| |and including 2533, except s/n 1126, 2475, 2517, 2524, |
| |2526, 2527, 2529, 2530 and 2532. |
| |DR400/500, all s/n up to and including 33, s/n 36 and |
| |41. |
| |HR 100/200, HR 100/200 B, HR 100/210, HR 100/210 D, HR |
| |100/285 TIARA, HR 100/250 TR, HR 100/285 C, R 1180 T and|
| |R 1180 TD aeroplanes, all s/n. |
| |R 3000/140, R 3000/120, R 3000/100, R 3000/120 D, R |
| |3000/160, R 3000/160 S and R 3000/180 aeroplane, all |
| |s/n. |
|Reason: |It has been determined that the oil lines of the |
| |affected aeroplanes are not fire resistant and therefore|
| |not compliant with the airworthiness regulations |
| |applicable to these types (FAR23.1183). |
| |This condition, if not corrected, could result in a fire|
| |in the engine compartment leading to damage to the |
| |aeroplane and/or injury to the occupants. |
EASA Form 110 | |To address this unsafe condition, DGAC France issued AD |
| |2002-322(A), currently at Revision 2, to require |
| |replacement of the oil lines with fire resistant lines |
| |and to prohibit installation of non-conforming oil |
| |lines. |
| |Since AD 2002-322(A) R2 was issued, it has been |
| |discovered that the oil transmitter hoses, although also|
| |non-compliant with the powerplant fire protection |
| |regulations, are not addressed by the requirements of |
| |that AD. |
| |For the reasons described above, this AD retains the |
| |requirements of DGAC France AD 2002-322(A) R2, which is |
| |superseded, and in addition requires the replacement of |
| |the affected oil transmitter hoses. |
| |Please note that this AD no longer applies to HR 200 and|
| |R 2000 series aeroplanes, whose type design approval was|
| |transferred in 2006 to New Zealand, TCDS No. A-15, |
| |currently owned by Alpha Aviation Concept (formerly |
| |Alpha Aviation Design). |
| |For those aeroplanes, CAA New Zealand AD DCA/R2000/34 is|
| |currently the applicable State of Design AD. |
|Effective Date: |01 February 2012 |
|Required |Required as indicated, unless accomplished previously: |
|Action(s) and |(1) Within 12 months after 06 July 2002 [the effective |
|Compliance |date of DGAC France AD 2002-322 at original issue], |
|Time(s): |replace each oil line, having a Part Number (P/N) as |
| |listed in Table 1 of this AD, with a fire resistant oil |
| |line, in accordance with the instructions of APEX |
| |AIRCRAFT Service Bulletin (SB) No. 020310. |
| |(2) From 06 July 2002